
The future of innovation: Young people hold the key.

 Youth is the driving force behind any societal development. Their inventiveness, vigor, and fresh outlook will fuel economic growth, technological revolutions, and solutions to community problems. Given the proper training, their innovative capacity may become a catalyst for times of change.

1:What it means to Innovate

Innovating-a creating process wherein new ideas, arbitrary methods in addressing a customer's needs, and improved services or products are made. The youth are real "troublemakers," having approaches and solutions that are in potent contrast to traditional views on whatever predisposed idea or problem rising in society.

Somali Youth Chimerical Innovation

Despite the conflicts and limited resources, Somali youth have continued to work hard and have expressed a good deal of imagination:

  • 1. The birth of start-ups and online businesses.
  • 2. Cultural renaissance-revitalizing Somali Art, Literature, and Music.
  • 3. Community-based solutions to the running of health, education, and environmental campaigns.

Support for Youth Innovation

1. Funding: Access to grants or loans with low interest rates.

2. Training: Programs geared toward the development of skills and competencies.

3. Inclusion: The involvement of youth in making decisions.


Youth innovation has made considerable contributions towards national development. Creating opportunities and support for youth will go a long way in contributing to sustainable development and social transformation.

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