
The first House that was built: The dawn of Human Settlements.


In the early days of human existence, the people lived a nomadic life, going from one place to another, in search of food and water. In almost no time, with agricultural and pastoral development, humans saw the need for permanent shelters, which led to the building of their first houses, a great leap toward civilization.

The Earliest Houses: 

The earliest houses were primly constructed and done out of easily available raw materials in the surrounding environment. Some early types of shelters were: dwalgenss_ humans sought shelter from harsh weather and wild predators in caves.

2.mud and stone houses-Once man became conscious of using building materials for construction, he started erecting more permanent structures made of mud bricks or stones.

3.wooden houses-Where wood was available, man built wooden houses, using logs for constructing houses that were sure and usable.

The First Cities

And among the earliest cities to witness their growth as a settlement were:

Jericho (9000 BC) – One of the oldest cities known, with stone-built houses and evidence of earliest fortifications.

Çatalhöyük (6000 BC) – An ancient city in Turkey with tightly-packed houses, centered around activity areas, and hey, with entrance from the rooftops instead of the doors.

Mesopotamian Cities – Such as Ur and Uruk, present-day Iraq, boasting advanced mud-brick architecture.


The construction of the first homes marked a watershed moment in human history when people began settling in one place and able to form communities. The simple construction has over the years grown into the sophisticated cities and modern architecture we have today. Though modern houses are very advanced compared to these, originally they stem from a basic human need for shelter and security.

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